journeying on, once more.


Thanks for joining me!

Wow – wordpress sure does a neat job in making continual improvement to get bloggers starting on a right footing, the write way with a prompt that can’t get any better, plus a quote and an image* that fits snugly as well.

Quote-wise, it seemed to suggest a generic, inherent preference for short journey over a long one? Because i tend to take the long way than the short, thus i may be more comfortable in the latter camp. A matter of interpretation though, as good company sure makes a difference to any journey.  Good can be subjective, but up to the journeyer!

* alright, i replaced the cookie-cutter post title & image after all so that you see what you see now. Taken some time ago, at my mom’s hometown. Such wire poles are a rarity in Singapore these days… birds are still around though, thankfully.

if you do not get what i’m writing (but still getting this far…), try starting your own blog here then you’ll know what i mean. 

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

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